Pakistani rupee moves upward against US dollar, other currencies; Check today exchange rates


Pakistani rupee strengthened against US dollar in the open market, while PKR remains under pressure in the inter-market amid increasing demand for the greenback.

In open market, the Pakistani rupee was quoted at 278.5 for buying purposes, and 281.5 for selling.

Euro was being quoted at Rs296.1 for buying and Rs299 for selling. The British pound remained stable at Rs344 for buying, and Rs347.4 for selling.

UAE Dirham saw an increase of 0.25 against the local unit, AED stands at Rs78.25 whereas the Saudi Riyal was being traded at Rs74.8.

Today’s currency exchange rates in Pakistan – 28 October 2023

US Dollar‎USD280.4283.15
UK Pound SterlingGBP344347.4
U.A.E DirhamAED78.2579
Saudi RiyalSAR74.875.8
Australian DollarAUD178.25180
Bahrain DinarBHD745.28753.28
Canadian DollarCAD204206
China YuanCNY38.2738.67
Danish KroneDKK39.5539.95
Hong Kong DollarHKD35.6235.97
Indian RupeeINR3.363.47
Japanese YenJPY1.651.72
Kuwaiti DinarKWD903.86912.86
Malaysian RinggitMYR58.4859.08
New Zealand DollarNZD162.79164.79
Norwegians KroneNOK25.0225.32
Omani RiyalOMR727.9735.9
Qatari Riyal‎QAR76.7977.49
Singapore DollarSGD202204
Swedish KoronaSEK25.1725.47
Swiss FrancCHF311.55314.05
Thai BhatTHB7.727.87

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