Kashmir gripped in the iron fist of Indian occupation forces


The anguish of Kashmiri Muslims has reached a crescendo as they endure decades of brutalities under the shadow of the guns of Indian troops in occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

A report released by Kashmir Media Service said the Modi regime’s policies, including militarization, demographic shifts, and a new wave of state terrorism, have intensified, transforming IIOJK into a living nightmare for its residents.

Since the abrogation of IIOJK’s special status in August 2019, the Modi government has faced widespread criticism for the unchecked powers granted to its forces in the territory.

Reports of killings, abductions, torture, and molestations have become a new normal. Recent incidents have sent shockwaves through the territory.

Three Kashmiris were tortured to death in Poonch while in the custody of the Indian army, further fueling the narrative of a brutal crackdown against the local population.

The international community has been called upon to break its silence as the United Nations and world powers are urged to take practical steps to save the Kashmiris from an Indian onslaught.

Critics argue that India, under the guise of national security, is violating international laws in its treatment of Kashmir, with the Modi government accused of implementing a Hindutva agenda in the territory. The situation has prompted widespread condemnation as the world watches the escalation of human rights violations unfold in IIOJK.

As the global community grapples with the complexities of the Kashmir conflict, the plight of the Kashmiri people remains a stark reminder of the urgent need for diplomatic intervention and a peaceful resolution to a decades-old dispute that continues to have far-reaching consequences bot at regional as well as international levels.

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